Have Questions?

Every Customers have question when they thought for Renovation. Here some common questions of costomers.

Yes ! We are experiences, Professional & Licesced.

MyHome has proudly been in business since 1995.

Our design consultations are free of charge whether at your home, place of business or our showroom. Usually our labor proposals are free too. There are exceptions to this last rule, however, which would be discussed with you during your free consultation.

We accepts cash & cheques.

Yes – we have an unprecedented 2-year warranty on all the labor we do.

Yes. In fact, if all you want us to do is design your project, we will do that for you. By working with us,  you can take full advantage of our process, which breaks down remodeling into various components. Therefore, you can use us for design, purchase materials from us, and all the construction.